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01st Century BC · Gold Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

01st Century BC · Brooch - Celtic - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century BC · Celtic Bronze Half Unit · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century BC · Celtic Silver Unit (Cut in Half) · Archeology · Coins - General

01st Century BC · Celtic Decorative Enamelled Metalware · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century BC · Brooch - Celtic · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Base of Iron Age Pot · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Potin - Iron Age Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman - Dolphin · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

01st Century_AD · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Hair Pin Terminal · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch Terminal - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch Fixing - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Tessera · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Langton Down · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Brooch - Roman Headstud · Archeology · Archeology - General

02nd Century · Julia Domna - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

02nd Century · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Centur · Spoon - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Rim of Large Storage Jar · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Roman - Local Black Fumed · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Lower Nene Valley Colour Coated Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Cross-Bow · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Ear Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Belt Stiffener - Roman Military · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Carausis Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Valerian Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Bear - Roman - Bronze · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Postumus - Roman - Silver Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Julia Maesa - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

03rd Century · Pin - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

03rd Cenury · Roman Coin - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantius Gallus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Base of a Goblet · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Flavius Julius Crispus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constatine - Gloria Exercitvs · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Antoninianus - Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Gratian - Roman - Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constanitus II Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantius II Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Magnintius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantius II Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine I Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine II Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine I Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Fausta Wife of Constantine 1 · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine II - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Magnus Maximus Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman - Fork Prong · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Propellor Belt Stifner - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constant Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantinus II - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constants - Emperor Galley Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constantinus - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Gratian - Roman - Denarius · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Constans Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Valentinian I - Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Brooch Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

04th Century · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

05th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

07th Century · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

07th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

07th Century · Anglo Saxon - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

07th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

08th Century · Clothes Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

08th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

08th Century · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

08th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

08th Century · Zoomorphic Brooch Anglo Saxon Crocodile · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Anglo Saxon - Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Burgred - Anglo Saxon Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

09th Century · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

09th Century · Ring - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

10th Century · Clothes Hook - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

10th Century · Stirrup Mount - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

10th Century · Gaming Piece - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

11th Century · Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

11th Century · Part of a Swivel - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

11th Century · Quillion of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

12th Century · Developed St Neots Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

12th Century · Buckle - Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

12th Century · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

12th Century · Henry II - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

12th Century · Amulet - Cross Lunnista · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Lyveden A · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Pendant - Horse Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Half Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Mirror Case - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Lead Seal - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Seal Matrix · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Edward - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Cut Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward - Silver Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Alexander III - Silver Scottish Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Silver - Cut half Panny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Silver - Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Irish Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · William I - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Henry III - Silver Cut Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

13th Century · Medieval Prick Spur · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Buckle Plate - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Key from a Medieval Casket · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

13th Century · Whetstone · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Quillon of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Pendant - Hanger - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Richard II - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

14th Century · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Pommel of s Sword or Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

14th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Band / Ring - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Key Handle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Ear Scoop / Nail Cleaner - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Ring - Late Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Henry VI - Silver Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

15th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Book Clasp · Archeology · Archeology - General

15th Century · Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Edward VI Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Buckle - Medieval Broken · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Belt Fitting - Post Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Jetton - Nuremberg · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Elizabeth I - Silver Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Elizabeth I - Silver - Three Pence · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Elizabeth I - Silver Three Pance · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Philip & Mary - Silver penny · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Tudor Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

16th Century · Fleur de Lis · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Buckle - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

16th Century · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Witch Trials · Documents · Documents - General

17th Century · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Charles I Rose Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

17th Century · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · James I (VI) - Sixpence · Archeology · Coins - General

17th Century · Elizabeth I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

17th Century · Charles I - Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

17th Century · Trading Token · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Clothes Hook · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · Crotal Bell · Archeology · Archeology - General

17th Century · William III - Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

18th Century · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Keyston Manor House to Let · Printed Material · Newspaper

18th Century · Issac Newton Token - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

18th Century · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Frame - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Spoon - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · Buckle Frame · Archeology · Archeology - General

18th Century · George I Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

19th Century · Spindle Whorl · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Stirrup · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Midland Railway Timetable November 1895 · Other Objects · Other Objects - General

19th Century · Letter Re: Keyston Railway Station 1846 · Documents · Documents - General

19th Century · Keyston Church Repairs 1800 · Documents · Documents - General

19th Century · Keyston State of the Church 1872 · Documents · Documents - General

19th Century · Choral Festival Keyston · Printed Material · Newspaper

19th Century · Burials moved to Covington Church · Documents · Documents - General

19th Century · Cuff Link · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Manor Estate - Sale · Documents · Documents - General

19th Century · Victoria - Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

19th Century · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

19th Century · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Keyston School Photograph 1925 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Buckle - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Part of a Harrow - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Rusty Blade · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Keyston School Trust Deeds 1903 · Documents · Documents - General

20th Century · Keyston Church Cadevar 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Raunds Railway Station Death 1903 · Printed Material · Newspaper

20th Century · Keyston Church from South 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Keyston Church Interior 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Keyston Church West Door 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Keyston Church 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Captain Wilfred Palmers Death · Printed Material · Newspaper

20th Century · Covington Church Expenditure 1900 · Documents · Documents - General

20th Century · Covington Church Memorial Major Barnett · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Covington Church Memorial - WWI · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Covington Church Memorial - WWII · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Garden Party - Wireless Wizard · Printed Material · Newspaper

20th Century · Salvation Army man killed by Car · Printed Material · Newspaper

20th Century · Keyston from the East · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Keyston White Horse (Now the Pheasant) · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Keyston School Photograph · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Ebenezer Molloy (1858-1932) · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Mr William Thomas Hewitt J.P. · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · The Hall (Old Barn) · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · Bedford Buick 1915 · Photographs · Photographs - General

20th Century · The Red Cow - 1964 · Oral History · Oral History - General

20th Century · Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington · Video · Video - General

20th Century · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

20th Century · Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936 · Documents · Documents - General

20th Century · Valuation R Spillers Properties · Documents · Documents - General

20th Century · Spent Cartridge · Archeology · Archeology - General


Aircraft · Captain Wilfred Palmers Death · Printed Material · Newspaper

Alexander · Alexander III - Silver Scottish Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Amulet · Amulet - Cross Lunnista · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Anglo Saxon - Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Clothes Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Burgred - Anglo Saxon Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Anglo Saxon - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Anglo Saxon · Zoomorphic Brooch Anglo Saxon Crocodile · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Gaming Piece - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Anglo Saxon · Ring - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Stirrup · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Buckle - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Bear - Roman - Bronze · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Stirrup Mount - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Medieval Prick Spur · Archeology · Archeology - General

Animal · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Army · Constatine - Gloria Exercitvs · Archeology · Coins - General


Bangle · Bangle / Bracelet · Archeology · Archeology - General

Baroque · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

Baroque · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

Bell · Crotal Bell · Archeology · Archeology - General

Bone · Worked Bone Utensil · Archeology · Archeology - General

Book · Book Clasp · Archeology · Archeology - General

Book · Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936 · Documents · Documents - General

Bowl · Metal Bowl · Archeology · Archeology - General

Braclet · Bangle / Bracelet · Archeology · Archeology - General

Broken · Brooch - Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Bronze · Bear - Roman - Bronze · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Langton Down · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Unidentified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Zoomorphic Brooch Anglo Saxon Crocodile · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Brooch · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval Broken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Buckle Plate · Buckle Plate - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Building · Keyston Church from South 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Building · Keyston Church 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Buildings · The Hall (Old Barn) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Bullet · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Bullet · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Bullet · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Burgred · Burgred - Anglo Saxon Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Button · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Button · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Button · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Button · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General


Cadevar · Keyston Church Cadevar 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Car · Bedford Buick 1915 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Cart · Keyston from the East · Photographs · Photographs - General

Celtic · Gold Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

Celtic · Celtic Bronze Half Unit · Archeology · Archeology - General

Celtic · Celtic Silver Unit (Cut in Half) · Archeology · Coins - General

Celtic · Celtic Decorative Enamelled Metalware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Celtic · Brooch - Celtic · Archeology · Archeology - General

Charles · Charles I Rose Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Charles · Charles I - Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Chicken · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Choir · Choral Festival Keyston · Printed Material · Newspaper

Church · Keyston Church Inventory 1771 · Documents · Documents - General

Church · Keyston Church Repairs 1800 · Documents · Documents - General

Church · Keyston State of the Church 1872 · Documents · Documents - General

Church · Keyston Church Cadevar 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston Church from South 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston Church Interior 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston Church West Door 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston Church 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Choral Festival Keyston · Printed Material · Newspaper

Church · Covington Church Expenditure 1900 · Documents · Documents - General

Church · Covington Church Memorial Major Barnett · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Covington Church Memorial - WWI · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Covington Church Memorial - WWII · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston Church Sundial · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Keyston from the East · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Ebenezer Molloy (1858-1932) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Church · Burials moved to Covington Church · Documents · Documents - General

Clasp · Book Clasp · Archeology · Archeology - General

Class · Keyston School Photograph 1925 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Class · Keyston School Photograph · Photographs · Photographs - General

Clothes · Clothes Hook · Archeology · Archeology - General

Clothes · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Clothing · Belt Fitting - Post Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Constantius Gallus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Flavius Julius Crispus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Potin - Iron Age Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward VI Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constatine - Gloria Exercitvs · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Antoninianus - Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Gold Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Gratian - Roman - Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constanitus II Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantius II Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Magnintius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Issac Newton Token - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Half Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Jetton - Nuremberg · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Celtic Bronze Half Unit · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Celtic Silver Unit (Cut in Half) · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantius II Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine I Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine II Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine I Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Carausis Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Fausta Wife of Constantine 1 · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine II - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valerian Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Magnus Maximus Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Charles I Rose Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Elizabeth I - Silver Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Burgred - Anglo Saxon Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Cut Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward - Silver Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Alexander III - Silver Scottish Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Postumus - Roman - Silver Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Silver - Cut half Panny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Richard II - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Elizabeth I - Silver - Three Pence · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · James I (VI) - Sixpence · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry VI - Silver Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Elizabeth I - Silver Three Pance · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Philip & Mary - Silver penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry II - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Elizabeth I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Silver - Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Charles I - Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Irish Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Tudor Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · William I - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constant Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantinus II - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constants - Emperor Galley Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constantinus - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Henry III - Silver Cut Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Gratian - Roman - Denarius · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Trading Token · Archeology · Archeology - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Julia Domna - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Julia Maesa - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Constans Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Anglo Saxon - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · William III - Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Valentinian I - Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Victoria - Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Unknown Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · George I Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Unknown Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Coin · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Conical · Terminal - Unknown Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Crest · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Cycling · Salvation Army man killed by Car · Printed Material · Newspaper


Dagger · Quillon of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Dagger · Quillion of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Death · Raunds Railway Station Death 1903 · Printed Material · Newspaper

Death · Captain Wilfred Palmers Death · Printed Material · Newspaper

Death · Covington Church Memorial Major Barnett · Photographs · Photographs - General

Death · Covington Church Memorial - WWI · Photographs · Photographs - General

Death · Salvation Army man killed by Car · Printed Material · Newspaper

Document · Midland Railway Timetable November 1895 · Other Objects · Other Objects - General

Document · Letter Re: Keyston Railway Station 1846 · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Witch Trials · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Keyston Church Inventory 1771 · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Keyston Church Repairs 1800 · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Keyston State of the Church 1872 · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Keyston School Trust Deeds 1903 · Documents · Documents - General

Document · Valuation R Spillers Properties · Documents · Documents - General

Door · Keyston Church West Door 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Drink · Wine Glass · Archeology · Archeology - General


Edward · Edward - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward - Silver Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Edward · Edward I - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Eley · Spent Cartridge · Archeology · Archeology - General

Elizabeth · Elizabeth I - Silver - Three Pence · Archeology · Coins - General

Elizabeth · Elizabeth I - Silver Three Pance · Archeology · Coins - General

Elizabeth · Elizabeth I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Elizabeth I · Elizabeth I - Silver Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Expenditure · Covington Church Expenditure 1900 · Documents · Documents - General


Farm · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Stirrup · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Buckle - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Part of a Harrow - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Rusty Blade · Archeology · Archeology - General

Farm · Manor Estate - Sale · Documents · Documents - General

Fastner · Clothes Hook · Archeology · Archeology - General

Film · Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington · Video · Video - General

Finger · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Fleur-de-lis · Fleur de Lis · Archeology · Archeology - General

Fork · Worked Bone Utensil · Archeology · Archeology - General

Form · Keyston State of the Church 1872 · Documents · Documents - General

Fossil · Ammonite · Archeology · Archeology - General

Fossil · Gryphaea · Archeology · Archeology - General

Frame · Frame - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

Frame · Buckle Frame · Archeology · Archeology - General


Gaming Piece · Gaming Piece - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Garden Party · Garden Party - Wireless Wizard · Printed Material · Newspaper

George · George I Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Glass · Wine Glass · Archeology · Archeology - General

Gold · Gold Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

Gun · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Gun · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Gun · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Gun · Spent Cartridge · Archeology · Archeology - General


Henry · Henry III - Cut Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry III - Silver - Cut half Panny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry III - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry VI - Silver Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry II - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry III - Silver - Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry III - Irish Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Henry · Henry III - Silver Cut Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

High Middle Ages · Buckle - Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

Hook · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Hook · Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Hook · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Hook · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Hook · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Stirrup · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Horseshoe · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Buckle - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Pendant - Horse Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Stirrup Mount - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Medieval Prick Spur · Archeology · Archeology - General

Horse · Crotal Bell · Archeology · Archeology - General


Individual · Ebenezer Molloy (1858-1932) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Interior · Keyston Church Interior 1936 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Irish · Henry III - Irish Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Iron Age · Base of Iron Age Pot · Archeology · Archeology - General

Iron Age · Potin - Iron Age Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Iron Age · Brooch - Celtic - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Issac Newton · Issac Newton Token - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General


James · James I (VI) - Sixpence · Archeology · Coins - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Hair Pin Terminal · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch Terminal - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch Fixing - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Langton Down · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Cross-Bow · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Jewellery · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval Broken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Band / Ring - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Celtic - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Ear Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pendant - Horse Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Belt Stiffener - Roman Military · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Mirror Case - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Anglo Saxon - Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Clothes Hook - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman Headstud · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Ear Scoop / Nail Cleaner - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Clothes Hook - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Celtic Decorative Enamelled Metalware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pin Head - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Baroque · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Dolphin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pendant - Hanger - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Celtic · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Tweezers - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Ring - Late Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Cuff Link · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Propellor Belt Stifner - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Fleur de Lis · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Amulet - Cross Lunnista · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Frame - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Unidentified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle Plate - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Clothes Hook · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Pin - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Zoomorphic Brooch Anglo Saxon Crocodile · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Stone Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Buckle Frame · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Bangle / Bracelet · Archeology · Archeology - General

Jewellery · Brooch - Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General


Key · Key Handle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Key · Key from a Medieval Casket · Archeology · Archeology - General

Knife · Rusty Blade · Archeology · Archeology - General


Late Middle Ages · Ring - Late Middle Ages · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lead · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Legal · Witch Trials · Documents · Documents - General

Letter · Keyston Church Inventory 1771 · Documents · Documents - General

Letter · Keyston Church Repairs 1800 · Documents · Documents - General

Letter · Keyston School Trust Deeds 1903 · Documents · Documents - General

Letting · Keyston Manor House to Let · Printed Material · Newspaper

Limestone · Limestone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Log · Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936 · Documents · Documents - General

Loom · Spindle Whorl · Archeology · Archeology - General

Lyveden · Lyveden A · Archeology · Archeology - General


Machinery · Spindle Whorl · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Part of a Harrow - Modern · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Rusty Blade · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

Machinery · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Manor · Garden Party - Wireless Wizard · Printed Material · Newspaper

Manor Farm · Valuation R Spillers Properties · Documents · Documents - General

Medieval · Edward I - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Pendant - Horse Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Half Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Mirror Case - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Jetton - Nuremberg · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Key Handle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Lead Seal - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Quillon of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Pendant - Hanger - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Seal Matrix · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Part of a Swivel - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Henry VI - Silver Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Henry III - Silver Cut Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Medieval Prick Spur · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle Plate - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Key from a Medieval Casket · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieval · Whetstone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieveal · Band / Ring - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Medieveal · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Unknown - Not Identified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Brooch · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Scrap Piece of lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Cuff Link · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Terminal - Unknown Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Unknown - Not Identified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Button · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Metal Bowl · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Metal Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Metal · Sword / Dagger Pommel · Archeology · Archeology - General

Mosaic · Tessera · Archeology · Archeology - General

Music · Garden Party - Wireless Wizard · Printed Material · Newspaper


Noise · Crotal Bell · Archeology · Archeology - General


Paleogene · Ammonite · Archeology · Archeology - General

Paleogene · Gryphaea · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Brooch - Langton Down · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Flavius Julius Crispus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Brooch - Cross-Bow · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Potin - Iron Age Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Edward VI Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constatine - Gloria Exercitvs · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Antoninianus - Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Gold Quarter · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Edward I - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Buckle - Medieval Broken · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Belt Fitting - Post Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Ear Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Pendant - Horse Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Buckle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Half Medieval Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Mirror Case - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine I Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine I Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Carausis Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Valerian Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Magnus Maximus Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Brooch - Roman - Dolphin · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Quillon of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

PAS · Elizabeth I - Silver Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Edward - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Henry III - Cut Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Edward - Silver Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Postumus - Roman - Silver Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Edward I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Richard II - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Elizabeth I - Silver - Three Pence · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Henry VI - Silver Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Elizabeth I - Silver Three Pance · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Philip & Mary - Silver penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Elizabeth I - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Charles I - Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

PAS · Henry III - Irish Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Pendant · Stone Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Penny · Victoria - Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

People · Mr William Thomas Hewitt J.P. · Photographs · Photographs - General

Pheasant · Keyston White Horse (Now the Pheasant) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Photograph · Mr William Thomas Hewitt J.P. · Photographs · Photographs - General

Pin · Brooch Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pin · Brooch - Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Plate · Metal Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pommel · Pommel of s Sword or Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pommel · Sword / Dagger Pommel · Archeology · Archeology - General

Post Medieval · Belt Fitting - Post Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Base of Iron Age Pot · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Rim of Large Storage Jar · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Base of a Goblet · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Lyveden A · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Developed St Neots Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Roman - Local Black Fumed · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pottery · Lower Nene Valley Colour Coated Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Property · Keyston Manor House to Let · Printed Material · Newspaper

Property · Keyston Church Sundial · Photographs · Photographs - General

Property · Burials moved to Covington Church · Documents · Documents - General

Property · The Hall (Old Barn) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Property · Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington · Video · Video - General

Property · Key Handle - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Pub · Keyston White Horse (Now the Pheasant) · Photographs · Photographs - General

Pub · The Red Cow - 1964 · Oral History · Oral History - General


Railway · Midland Railway Timetable November 1895 · Other Objects · Other Objects - General

Railway · Letter Re: Keyston Railway Station 1846 · Documents · Documents - General

Railway · Raunds Railway Station Death 1903 · Printed Material · Newspaper

Recollection · The Red Cow - 1964 · Oral History · Oral History - General

Recordings · The Red Cow - 1964 · Oral History · Oral History - General

Richard · Richard II - Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Rim · Rim of Large Storage Jar · Archeology · Archeology - General

Ring · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Ring · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Ring · Ring · Archeology · Archeology - General

Ring · Ring - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Ring · Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Road · Salvation Army man killed by Car · Printed Material · Newspaper

Rock · Limestone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Romain · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantius Gallus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Rim of Large Storage Jar · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Hair Pin Terminal · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch Terminal - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch Fixing - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Base of a Goblet · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Tessera · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman - Local Black Fumed · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Lower Nene Valley Colour Coated Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Langton Down · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Flavius Julius Crispus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Cross-Bow · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Constatine - Gloria Exercitvs · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Antoninianus - Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Flavius Julius Constans · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Gratian - Roman - Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constanitus II Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Theodosius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantius II Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Magnintius Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Ear Ring - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Belt Stiffener - Roman Military · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Romano British · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman Headstud · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Constantius II Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine I Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine II Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine I Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Carausis Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Fausta Wife of Constantine 1 · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine II - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valerian Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Magnus Maximus Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantine Nummus - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Valentinian Nummus · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Dolphin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Colchester · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Bracelet - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman - Fork Prong · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Spoon - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Bear - Roman - Bronze · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Propellor Belt Stifner - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Postumus - Roman - Silver Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constant Coin - Roman · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantinus II - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constants - Emperor Galley Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Constantinus - Roman - Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Gratian - Roman - Denarius · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Julia Domna - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Julia Maesa - Sestertius · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Pin - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Constans Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman - Catchplate · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Zoomorphic Brooch - Roman - Chicken · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Valentinian I - Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Brooch - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Unknown Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Buckle - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Brooch Pin · Archeology · Archeology - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General

Roman · Roman Coin · Archeology · Coins - General


Sale · Manor Estate - Sale · Documents · Documents - General

Saxon · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

School · Keyston School Photograph 1925 · Photographs · Photographs - General

School · Keyston School Trust Deeds 1903 · Documents · Documents - General

School · Keyston School Photograph · Photographs · Photographs - General

School · Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936 · Documents · Documents - General

Scottish · Alexander III - Silver Scottish Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Scottish · William I - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Scrap · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Folded Lead Strip · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Scrap Piece of lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Scrap · Scrap Piece of Lead · Archeology · Archeology - General

Sea Creature · Ammonite · Archeology · Archeology - General

Sea Creature · Gryphaea · Archeology · Archeology - General

Seal · Lead Seal - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shellyware · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shellyware · Shelly Coarseware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shoe · Buckle Frame · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shot · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shot · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Shot · Musket Ball · Archeology · Archeology - General

Silver · Edward VI Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Edward I - Silver Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Celtic Silver Unit (Cut in Half) · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Ear Scoop / Nail Cleaner - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Silver · Elizabeth I - Silver Half Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Henry III - Cut Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Edward - Silver Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Alexander III - Silver Scottish Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Postumus - Roman - Silver Radiate · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Henry III - Silver - Cut half Panny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Henry II - Silver - Cut Half penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Philip & Mary - Silver penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · William I - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Silver · Spoon - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

Spoon · Worked Bone Utensil · Archeology · Archeology - General

Spoon · Spoon - Silver · Archeology · Archeology - General

St Neots · Developed St Neots Ware · Archeology · Archeology - General

Stone · Limestone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Stone · Whetstone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Stone · Stone Pendant · Archeology · Archeology - General

Storage Jar · Rim of Large Storage Jar · Archeology · Archeology - General

Strap End · Strap End - Anglo Saxon · Archeology · Archeology - General

Strap End · Strap End - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Sword · Pommel of s Sword or Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General


Terminal · Terminal - Unknown Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tessera · Tessera · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tile · Tessera · Archeology · Archeology - General

Time · Keyston Church Sundial · Photographs · Photographs - General

Token · Trading Token · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tolken · Issac Newton Token - Farthing · Archeology · Coins - General

Tool · Worked Bone Utensil · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Open Ended Spanner · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Unknown - Not Identified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Roman - Fork Prong · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Spoon - Roman · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Seal Matrix · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Part of a Swivel - Medieval · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tool · Whetstone · Archeology · Archeology - General

Transport · Bedford Buick 1915 · Photographs · Photographs - General

Transport · Crotal Bell · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tudor · Edward VI Silver Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Tudor · Ear Scoop / Nail Cleaner - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tudor · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tudor · Elizabeth I - Silver Three Pance · Archeology · Coins - General

Tudor · Tudor Groat · Archeology · Coins - General

Tudor · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tudor · Clothes Hook - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General

Tudor · Buckle - Tudor · Archeology · Archeology - General


Unidentified · Brooch · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Unknown - Not Identified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Jetton · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Terminal - Unknown Item · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Unknown - Not Identified · Archeology · Archeology - General

Unknown · Unknown Coin · Archeology · Coins - General


Victoria · Victoria - Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

Video · Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington · Video · Video - General

Viking · Clothes Hook - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General

Viking · Stirrup Mount - Viking · Archeology · Archeology - General


War · Captain Wilfred Palmers Death · Printed Material · Newspaper

War · Covington Church Memorial Major Barnett · Photographs · Photographs - General

War · Covington Church Memorial - WWI · Photographs · Photographs - General

War · Covington Church Memorial - WWII · Photographs · Photographs - General

Weapon · Quillon of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Weapon · Quillion of a Dagger · Archeology · Archeology - General

Weapon · Sword / Dagger Pommel · Archeology · Archeology - General

Weight · Spindle Whorl · Archeology · Archeology - General

White Horse · Keyston White Horse (Now the Pheasant) · Photographs · Photographs - General

William · William I - Silver Cut Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General

William · William III - Half Penny · Archeology · Coins - General