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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Bedford Buick 1915
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Object ID 000065

Object Name Bedford Buick 1915

Object Desc This picture is from late 1950's early 1960's and shows the car being driven down Kimbolton High Street. V.C.C stands for Veteran Car Club so it was in some sort of rally.

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0065

Alternate ID Photo_17

General Category Photographs

Category Photographs - General

Source Mary-Ann Parsons

Source Category Photograph

Accession Date MAY 10,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement Mary_Ann Parsons

Location Covington

Object Date 1961

Start Year Range 1961

End Year Range 1961

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Transport,20th Century,Car,


(click for full image)

Image Caption Bedford Buick 1915

Description Two Brothers (Jack and Archie Colet), Steven Balston at the back on Right, Mrs Slough