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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Worked Bone Utensil
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Object ID 000025

Object Name Worked Bone Utensil

Object Desc bone was fashioned into tools such as spoons, knives, awls, pins, fish hooks, needles, flakers, hide scrapers and reamers. This looks like a Fork / Spoon very difficult to age could be very old

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0025

Alternate ID Utensil_1

General Category Archeology

Category Archeology - General

Source Found in Test Pit in B3

Source Category Item Found

Accession Date APR 28,2024


Location Denford Meadow - Keyston

Object Date

Start Year Range

End Year Range

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Bone,Tool,Fork,Spoon,


(click for full image)

Image Caption Bone Utensil
