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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Rim of Large Storage Jar
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Object ID 000004

Object Name Rim of Large Storage Jar

Object Desc The two pieces that were found fitted together neatly. And the rim of the pot was estimated to have a 55cm diameter. Meaning that its circumference was about 173cm. a pot this size would probably have been at least 50cm tall

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0004

Alternate ID Pottery_2

General Category Archeology

Category Archeology - General

Source Found at Eastern End of Trench 2

Source Category Item Found

Accession Date APR 25,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement Robert McClaren

Location Glebe 1 - Covington

Object Date 250

Start Year Range 200

End Year Range 300

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Pottery,Roman,Rim,Storage Jar,03rd Century,

Title Rim of Large Storage Jar

Arch. Description

Collector Robert Mclaren

Collection Date 8/22/23

Excavated By Robert Mclaren

Approx Excavation Date 8/22/23

Identified By

Approx Identification Date

Height 50

Length 0

Width 0

Depth 0

Diameter 55

Circumference 173

Weight 0

Unit of Measure Centimeters/grams

Dimension Details although we only have part of the rim it is sufficient to estimate the full size of the vessel

Quantity 0







Dating Method


Site Details


(click for full image)

Image Caption Rim of Large Storage Jar

Description Lower Nene Valley White Ware