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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936
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Object ID 000454

Object Name Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936

Object Desc Digitalisation of what is believed to be the only remaining log book from Keyston School activities. Based on a suite of photographs taken from the original book.

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0454

Alternate ID Doc_10

General Category Documents

Category Documents - General

Source Huntingdon Archives

Source Category Huntingdon Archives

Accession Date AUG 5,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement Robert Wishart

Location Keyston School

Object Date 1933

Start Year Range 1930

End Year Range 1936

Status In Collection

Object Keywords School,20th Century,Log,Book,

Title Keyston School Log Book 1930 -1936

Description Exact copy of the document stored in Huntingdon Archives created from photographs, you can download a PDF version of the log book if you copy the link shown below under Abstract and paste it into your browser.



Originator Robert Wishart


Reference 1 Huntingdon Archive - KSR/43

Reference 2


(click for full image)

Image Caption Log Book
