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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Manor Estate - Sale
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Object ID 000257

Object Name Manor Estate - Sale

Object Desc Copy of the sale document used when the entire Manor Estate was sold on the 28th July 1885

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0257

Alternate ID Doc_9

General Category Documents

Category Documents - General

Source Keyston Manor Farm

Source Category Bequest

Accession Date JUN 17,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement Joe Bayford

Location Keyston

Object Date 1885

Start Year Range 1885

End Year Range 1885

Status In Collection

Object Keywords 19th Century,Farm,Sale,

Title 0.

Description In 1885 the Manor Estate was put up for sale. The Estate covered almost the entire village so the sale document is of extreme importance you can download a PDF version of the sale if you copy the link shown below under Abstract and paste it into your browser. If you need to see anything in more detail please do get in touch.



Originator Joe Bayford

Parties - Robert Wishart - Richard Brown

Reference 1 The farm was having a bit of a clear out and presented this document to the history group. As it was in several pieces, it was decided that creating a digital version was the best way of maintaining the document

Reference 2


(click for full image)

Image Caption Estate Sale
