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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Letter Re: Keyston Railway Station 1846
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Object ID 000020

Object Name Letter Re: Keyston Railway Station 1846

Object Desc In 1845 a Railway station was proposed for Keyston some local Landowners were not happy for this to occur.

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0020

Alternate ID Trains_2

General Category Documents

Category Documents - General

Source Norris museum

Source Category Item Found

Accession Date APR 26,2024


Location Keyston

Object Date 5th Feb 1846

Start Year Range 1846

End Year Range 1846

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Railway,19th Century,Document,


(click for full image)

Image Caption Letter opposing Railway in keyston

Description To Messrs Parker, Hayes, Barnwell & Livisden ------------------------------------------------------------ We severally being owners occupiers or leases of property on the line of the proposed Rugby and Huntington Railway, hereby certify that we are cognizant of and consent to the presentation of a petition you have prepared, complaining of the non-compliance with the Standing Order of the House of Commons, in respect off the said Railway and by which non-compliance we are affected. Dated the 5th day of February 1846 John Oxlee - Rector of Molesworth William Elderkin : Keyston Thomas Elderkin : Keyston John Spencer - Keyston Thomas Bayfield : Bythorn / For J Bayfield