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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Gold Quarter
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Object ID 000086

Object Name Gold Quarter

Object Desc Celtic Boat Tree type imported coin struck by the Morini tribe. Refs: Ancient British Coins No 40., Van Arsdell 69-11. Reverse Boat with two figures; Obverse Rooted tree - Celtic Tree of life. This quarter is more commonly known as a Morini Boat Tree

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0086

Alternate ID Coin_15

General Category Archeology

Category Coins - General

Source Metal Detection Find

Source Category Item Found

Accession Date MAY 13,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement Richard Brown

Location Covington

Object Date 62bc

Start Year Range 65bc

End Year Range 60bc

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Coin,Gold,01st Century BC,Celtic,PAS,

Title Gold Quarter

Arch. Description This quarter stater is more commonly known as a Morini Boat Tree. It was issued by the Morini tribe who were from the Belgic Gaul region of ancient Europe. It was minted to finance resistance to Caesar during the Gallic Wars, they are found all over that area and areas of south Britain. Portable Antiquities Scheme - DENO-B7C9C2

Collector Richard Brown

Collection Date Aug 2014

Excavated By Robert Shaw

Approx Excavation Date Aug 2014

Identified By Chris Rudd

Approx Identification Date 26th Jan 2015

Height 0

Length 0

Width 0

Depth 0

Diameter 11.6

Circumference 0

Weight 1.4

Unit of Measure Centimeters/grams

Dimension Details Millimeters and grams

Quantity 1

Material Gold






Dating Method

Site Covington

Site Details


(click for full image)

Image Caption Boat Coin


(click for full image)

Image Caption Boat Coin
