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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington
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Object ID 000067

Object Name Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington

Object Desc On 17th May 1998 - Richard Brown took Charley Mayes around Covington. This trip was filmed by John Turrell and this video is the result, Please note that it was an Uncompleted Project

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0067

Alternate ID Film_1

General Category Video

Category Video - General

Source John Turrell

Source Category Film

Accession Date MAY 10,2024

Credit/Acknowledgement John Turrell

Location Covington

Object Date 17th May 1998

Start Year Range 1998

End Year Range 1998

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Property,20th Century,Film,Video,

Title Charley Mayes 1998 Tour of Covington


Description Richard Brown drives Charley Mayes (a man who first visited Covington before the first world war) around the village to see what he can remember. They are joined by Bill Barley to discuss how things have changed.

Cast Richard Brown Charley Mayes Bill Barley

Director John Turrell

Director Details

Studio John Turrell

Studio Details

Site / Location Covington Village

Media mp4

Quality Very Good

Length 25 Mins

Color Full Color

Film Size

Print Number

Physical Description The link to the film is given below, to watch it copy the link and paste it into your browser

Video File Name


(click for full image)

Image Caption Charley Mayes
