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Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Covington and Keyston History Group Museum
Keyston Church Inventory 1771
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Object ID 000031

Object Name Keyston Church Inventory 1771

Object Desc One Bible, two common prayer books, five registers, one pewter basin, one pewter flagon, One silver chalice with a cover to it, two pewter plates, one surplice, one green cloth for the communion table, One ditto of linen for the same, two napkins etc.

Collection CKHG Museum

Accession # CKHG_0031

Alternate ID Doc_2

General Category Documents

Category Documents - General

Source Huntingdon Archives

Source Category Huntingdon Archives

Accession Date APR 26,2024


Location Huntingdon

Object Date 1771

Start Year Range 1771

End Year Range 1771

Status In Collection

Object Keywords Church,Document,Letter,


(click for full image)

Image Caption Church Inventory
